Learn more about how Change Management Communications Center owners, Tina & Jim Schuelke, became a Green Bay Packers MVP (Most Valuable Protégé) firm. Connect with us to learn more about our experiences in the program.

Phrases Leaders (Shouldn't) Use That Drain Energy and Shut Down Communication. 

When people in positions of authority use phrases that shut down multi-directional communication, it creates barriers to action that did not exist before. Tactics such as sarcasm, minimizing, fault finding, and power grabbing language are a primary cause of low morale and energy drains. These tactics are an attempt to give the impression of a fair and open dialogue, however, these tactics effectively shut out other’s voices. Projecting authority with counterproductive language short circuits discussion, buy-in, accountability, and energy toward the work.

You have great intentions, you think you are being clear, you are trying to share important information or solve a problem—and then it happens—the other person takes it in a way you never could have imagined, or even worse, they took it in a way that they are now angry (or angrier), hurt, or counterproductive to what you need. It’s happened to me, and more often than I care to admit.

Does it even matter if you think you are being crystal clear? Misunderstandings are at the top of my “Do Not Like” list. I have at times, and with certain people, developed a process for developing my communications so that I consider, “what convoluted way could this go wrong?” That approach has helped me, but what helps me even more is understanding common reasons why communications we intend to deliver are received and understood differently. Let’s consider a handful of those reasons and how to address them:

Transition, Transform, Transcend

The Wisconsin Chapter of the Exit Planning Institute released its findings from the 2018 Wisconsin State of Owner Readiness Survey in November 2018. You can download your copy here.

Our key takeaways are that there are common barriers that business owners face in Wisconsin and Beyond. For starters, let’s think about what ideas might indicate you need to start planning your exit and succession strategy.

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