Tina and the Change Management team are a bright light! They are constantly looking for ways to grow and serve their clients and are a joy to work alongside. I'...
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Krista Williams
22 March 2018
22 March
Tina is a great presenter. She comes in with tons of energy and brings humor, lightness, and everyday language in her approach to help us untangle complex busi...
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adam bellcorelli
22 March 2018
22 March
Find time or make time to listen to Tina and the Change Management team. I was fortunate to hear a presentation about why organizations may be resistant to chan...
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Elizabeth Williams
25 May 2017
25 May
Tina was professional, experienced, and great to work with. She helped our non-profit board develop an 18 month must do, can't fail plan of action. I highly rec...
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